WHAS 11 Choosing Weather and Sports Over News

There is a problem with the local news coverage.

An extraordinarily longer amount of time is spent on reporting weather and sports rather than important, breaking news. I'm focusing on WHAS 11 for this issue.

I had to hear from my peers at school that there was a man who was plotting a school shooting. There was not one word about it on the news all week. This is a problem.
Plus, the multiple weather segments on the show are always at least two minutes long, while most news stories are not longer than a minute. There are always at least three weather segments, and about four to five at most. That adds up to six minutes of weather at the very least, and ten at most. This is one fifth to one third of the whole show, not counting commercial time!

Additionally, the sports. No less than ten minutes of sports were shown on the Sunday 6:30 WHAS 11 news. Thankfully, this is not every day, but on Sunday it's very prevalent. A news segment about a floor collapse at a party was only one minute long.
Knowing how the Cardinals are doing and what their plans for the future should not be given more time than all other news.


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