Hot and Cool
HEY! Did I catch your attention? Good. This blog is hot under the Hot/Cool binary model. Things that are hot require the consumer’s full attention to internalize. Some examples of this are books, movies, and blogs just like this one! These types of media must be given full attention to understand. If you are multitasking while reading a book, you will not understand what is going on and you will have to reread many sentences to understand. Things that are cool do not require the consumer’s full attention. Some examples of this are music, podcasts, and billboards. Billboards are meant to be seen for just a moment. All it takes is a quick glance and the idea come across just fine. Similarly, it’s very easy to turn on some music in the background and do something else. Imagine playing a video game without music. It would be very boring and almost unnerving to be doing tasks in complete silence. Music does not require full attention, so a player can easily continue to do tasks with...